This is, by far, one of stupidest things have ever read in entire life, and that's thousands of books across every genre. CLAIMS a 'modern murder she wrote' uh how, it's not a decent mystery, it's not a decent 'book', and it's ridiculously BAD. Every story has cardboard characters, unbelievable and stupid nonsense situations, and that is IF can understand the broken/bad mangled sentences of 'English'. Kindle Unlimited, although own 9 of the 10 and possibly some of the sets wondering if should buy 10 so going to read on ku but first going to read 1 NOPE ALL GARBAGE, went through 10 piles of filth and garbage and sewage. The novel had a wonderful premise but the lack of proper research was too glaring to gloss over. why don't author's speak to those who suffer mental illnesses and carers to get a better understanding? Google, books and medical practitioners have a dry outline of the disorders but they don't live with them on a daily basis. Yes, I know it's fiction and that the author has artistic license, but this is so far wide of the mark, hence my rating. Poor research is not only dangerous but also lazy on the writer's part. The serious violence and torture of animals is a classic sign of sociopathy and psychopathology - these mental "disorders" cannot be fixed! The author is wrong in saying he is psychotic when he is psychopathic - two entirely different diagnoses, although they may seem to have many of the same features at the time of the psychotic break. As to the character Samuel, I find it almost insulting that the author expects you to believe that his problems can be solved via intense therapy. If I can work that out then medical specialists in the novel should be able to. But as a layman it's quite obvious that Victor has Austistic Spectrum Disorder with Asperger's Syndrome and Sensory Processing Disorder.

I feel for Emma and her frustration at getting Victor diagnosed and some help for him, I've dealt with this on more than one occasion, especially with educators. But an 8yo screaming, strapped into what looks like an explosive device and about to be shot by police because they think he's dangerous - PREPOSTEROUS!!
#Peek a boo i see you emma frost book 5 free how to#
I agree with the author's premise that mental health services are poorly managed worldwide, especially in relation to child mental health programs and that the police are under equipped and do not understand how to deal with mentally ill people. I'm not sure how the mental health services work in Denmark but I would assume they're quite advanced. It's like the author has read a list of symptoms and put her own interpretation on it. However, the author loses gigantic points for poorly researched mental disorders and that REALLY peeves me no end! For one, Bipolar Spectrum Disorder does not present as outlined in this story. I especially love the character Emma Frost - she seems the warmest of Willow Rose's protagonists and most real. This novel was an action paced read that had you turning the pages. Sign up for Willow's VIP email list, and you'll automatically be notified as soon as her next book is released: Inbox already stuffed? Send the word: “ebooks” to 31996 to get a text alert with news about new releases, giveaways, and bargains from Willow. ☞ - Let Me Go (Eva Rae Thomas #5) - Just released! ☞ - No Other Way (Harry Hunter#3) coming soon, pre-order today!

☞ - Run Girl Run (Harry Hunter Mystery #2) coming soon, pre-order today! ☞ - All The Good Girls (Harry Hunter Mystery #1) - Just released When she is not writing or reading, you will find her surfing and watch the dolphins play in the waves of the Atlantic Ocean. Willow lives on Florida's Space Coast with her husband and two daughters. That's why her fans call her The Queen of Scream. Willow's books are fast-paced, nail-biting pageturners with twists you won't see coming. She writes Mystery, Thriller, Paranormal, Romance, Suspense, Horror, Supernatural thrillers, and Fantasy. She has sold more than three million books all over the world. Several of her books have reached the top 10 of ALL books on Amazon in the US, UK, and Canada. Willow Rose is a multi-million-copy best-selling Author and an Amazon ALL-star Author of more than 70 novels.