ATIS, PIREPs, and automated weather reports are in reference to magnetic north. Identify PIREPs, NOTAMs, and TFRs affecting the flight. Consult the Chart Supplements for communication frequencies, runway information, and field elevation. METARs, TAFs, and winds aloft are in reference to true north. Obtain aeronautical charts that cover the area of flight and check their currency. Ground Plan: Exit with safety equipment.Fire Prevention: Fuel and electrical OFF.Execute an Emergency Landing: “Aviate” first.Declare an Emergency: Make a radio call (121.5).Checklists or Configure: As the situation dictates.Best Landing Option: Establish and turn if necessary.Position near an emergency landing area.Airplane secure, annunciators, autopilot test Obtain aeronautical charts that cover the area of flight and check their currency.Test standards for FAA IRR practical Pilotfriend. Gas (fuel level, pumps, and tank selector) Are warned to always use the aircraft operating handbook and checklists provided.Controls (free and correct, trim and flaps set).Manifold pressure (if turbocharged or supercharged).Anticollision lights (if certificated after March 11, 1996).Simply put, NOTAMS are notifications containing information that may affect or pose a hazard to an aircraft along a flight route (e.g., runway closure).įor general aviation pilots, you can access NOTAMs at an airport’s flight briefing facility, through an app like ForeFlight, or via a website such as the Federal NOTAM System (FNS) website in the US. NOTAM is another aviation acronym for Notice to Airmen (now Notice to Air Missions in the US). You know what the letters stand for, but what’s their significance? Let’s go through them one by one. The acronyms serve a similar purpose, but let’s explore the NWKRAFT Checklist.

Maybe as in it’s “fat work” planning a flight. The mnemonic stands for:įATWORK is yet another, funny-sounding NWKRAFT alternative. Pre-Flight Pilot Checklist PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT: This statement is provided pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552a: The authority for collecting this information is contained in 49 U.S.C. The FAA recommends the acronym WEALTH, as in you need a “wealth” of information before flying. T wo other acronyms serve the same purpose. By incorporating the PAVE checklist into preflight planning, the pilot divides the risks of flight into four categories: Pilot-in-command (PIC), Aircraft. Is NWKRAFT the Only Preflight Action Acronym? NWKRAFT is a mnemonic used by pilots to remember important preflight action items ( 14 CFR 91.103), which are critical information that pilots should be familiar with before a flight. NWKRAFT is an acronym for NOTAMs Weather Known ATC delays Runway lengths Alternates available Fuel requirements Takeoff and landing distances. It’s important to recognize that astute decisions are much easier to make when not preoccupied with flying.